Your IQ score is 135
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.
wow .. you're intelligent! :P
Somebody is blowing his own trumpet pe pe pe pe!!:-)
I am scared of any test.
ash: hope i don't mind?? honestly speaking, i'm flattered lady!!!
blow: actually it depends on the weather and the company i'm with:-)
arunima: i would rather play the guitar with heavy distortion:-))
Hmmm..smarty pants!!! I wannna take mine too..any ideas?? :)
chandni: it's been a few months. it was the standard IQ test approved by Stanford/MIT. i've deleted the email invitation but saved the result forwarded to me. i'll check around and let you know the URL in case i find it.
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